Missional Living

Local Partnerships

Community Food Pantry; Charlotte Rose, csrose2007@gmail.com
(Our Community Food Pantry is in need of non-perishable donations year round.)
Backpack Meals for Elzie Patton and Hermitage Elementary Schools; Jill Falcone, falconejill@gmail.com
Community Christmas Party; HCN Children’s Ministries
Rest Stop Ministries; Rondy Smith, reststopministries@gmail.com
Room in the Inn; Winter Shelter Season, November thru March, Christy Stonecipher Hughes, atlasinteriors@gmail.com
PAIICE Ministry to the Inmates of NWCC Tiptonville, TN; Aaron Satterlee, aaronmsatterlee71@gmail.com, Robert Russell, rlrusselljr@gmail.com, Marvin Heath.

Global Partnerships

Kenya Partnership;  For more information on projects in the Tawa Community, Suvia Children’s Home,  or the Mathare Porridge Program; visit our TEAM PAGE or contact Dan Scott, danmscott12@gmail.com
Nazarene Mission International Brittney Webb HCN NMI President

In addition to our Local, National and Global Missional Life connections, Hermitage Church has a variety of service areas:

Children’s Ministry – Teachers, Assistants, Nursery Care, etc.; Contact waller.cw@gmail.com
Middle School – Teachers, Band Members, Worship Service Volunteers, etc.; Contact Dawson Bush at livewiremsm@gmail.com
High School – Teachers, Event Volunteers, Food Preparers, etc.; Contact Pastor hunter_steinmetz@yahoo.com
Adults – Ushers, Greeters, Teachers, Life Group Directors, Property Team, etc.; Contact waller.cw@gmail.com

Missional Living is the process of taking all that we pray and teach and putting it to action. Hermitage Church is committed to the process of living out the call of God, to take the good news of the gospel across the street and around the world. We promote different opportunities to serve inside the church and outside within the community to make a difference for the cause of Christ.

We believe that everyone has gifts, abilities, passions, heart, and experiences that could and should be used for the glory of God and the good of others. We are committed to the process of empowering you to use who you are, with and for the church and community. At Hermitage, Missional Living is a biblical core principle, and we are committed to help all make the investment of living each day with the realization that God wants us to walk with Him and live out His Word each and every day.